Christian Writer, Easter, Faith, New life


I have had to become used to using social media. It is a tool for sharing about me and my books, but I don’t always like it. I wanted so much to share about the real meaning of Easter this year, but I had to come up with a way of doing it that didn’t alert the anti-Christian algorithms. After all , what’s the point of sharing my faith if nobody sees the posts?

So I thought outside of the box a bit, and decided to be subtle. To draw people in with everyday images and thoughts, rather than the overtly Christian ones that you might normally see at this time of the year. I don’t know how successful they have been, but they have been seen. By hundreds of people I don’t know. These are the images and words I have posted over the last few days. What do you think?

Image of a table set for dinner, with food, plates and glasses


You’ve planned a celebratory dinner. And invited all your closest friends.

You know one of them has already gone behind you back to the authorities

And the others will turn their backs on you when it all kicks off….

But still you laugh with them and love them to the end    

              ( JOHN 13)

A lakeside grassy spot with trees and a blue sky


We all need those places we can escape to

Places where we can breathe, rest, listen, find peace

Until they are forever tainted by anguish and betrayal   



A judges' gavel resting on a book


The verdict handed down. Guilty goes free, innocence condemned

Hate wins. But Love triumphs!

Innocence condemned so that the guilty can go free!     

(JOHN 19)


Today the story will be slightly less subtle. I want to shout it from the rooftops, but this will have to do. My Redeemer LIVES!

The garden tomb in Jerusalem framed with flowers

She didn’t come to put flowers on Your grave, or to see the gardener

She came, shrouded in grief, and found an empty tomb. A discarded shroud

A familiar voice?

Fear fled, hope ignited, and NEW LIFE began.

(JOHN 20)

Joy Margetts is a blogger and a published author. Her debut novel ‘The Healing‘ was published by Instant Apostle on 19 March 2021. A work of historic fiction, set in medieval Wales against the backdrop of Cistercian abbey life, it is also a story of faith, hope and God’s redemptive power. Joy has also self- published a short novella, ‘The Beloved‘ as both a companion to ‘The Healing‘, and as an easy to read standalone story, which is available to buy on Amazon Kindle.

The Pilgrim‘, her second full length novel, will be published by Instant Apostle in July 2022

More information on Joy and her writing, and links to purchase her books can be found here