advent, Bible, Christian Writer, Jesus, Names of Christ, The Word of God



One of the most beautiful descriptions of Jesus for me is that of the bridegroom.

John the Baptist exalted Christ, describing Him as the bridegroom coming for His bride. He described himself as the friend of the bridegroom (John 3:29). Jesus also described Himself as the bridegroom. He did so in response to the Pharisees who were criticising His disciples for not fasting . Why should they be fasting and miserable when the time they have left with the bridegroom was time for celebration (Matt 9: 15)?

The bridegroom theme was one that Jesus’ listeners would have been familiar with; God Himself described Himself as the bridegroom, the one who rejoices over His people as His bride (Isaiah 62: 5).

text of Isaiah 62 v 5 within a red heart. Above the heart is a string of Christmas lights, below it pine cones and berries.


In Hebrew tradition the bride would get herself prepared on her wedding day, and sit beautifully dressed waiting patiently at her home until her bridegroom and his friends came calling. Her bridegroom would then come and take her back with Him to His own home. What a wonderful picture for us. Jesus our bridegroom is coming for us to make us fully His.

Do you not feel you are worthy? Well in Rev 21:2 He tells us that the bride (the church) He is coming for is already beautifully adorned, dressed ready for her bridegroom –  because He has made us pure and spotless for Him.

Photograph of the upper body and hand of a bride, in bridal dress, taken through a thick veil.


And how does He feel about us His bride? Well just turn to Song of Solomon, which is a beautiful love song between the bridegroom and His bride, and a glorious picture of Christ wooing us. Song 4: 9 says ‘you have ravished my heart, My sister, My bride’. He is completely besotted with us. The romantic in me loves that Jesus is described in this way. He is the lover of our souls. Transfixed by our beauty, He can’t wait for the day when He comes and makes us fully His for all eternity.

Do you struggle to see Jesus being besotted by you?

text of Song of Solomon 4 v 9 within a red heart. Above the heart is a string of Christmas lights, below it pine cones and berries.

Image of front cover of the book, The Healing

‘He wants me to have it all, doesn’t He?’ The realisation of that truth was beginning to sink in. ‘God wants me to be happy, to be loved, to be fulfilled, to be useful. For me that could be as a husband, a custodian, a father, even. I still can’t quite believe it, that this is the reason He restored my life? I wanted to believe there was some great act of service I was to do for Him, some noble sacrifice on my part, a life of devotion to Him to pay Him back for what He has done for me.’


Joy Margetts is a published author and blogger. Her books are works of Christian Historical fiction. Set in medieval Wales against the backdrop of Cistercian abbey life, they tell stories of faith, hope and God’s redemptive power. Her debut novel ‘The Healing‘ was published by Instant Apostle on 19 March 2021. Joy has also self- published a short novella, ‘The Beloved‘ as both a companion to ‘The Healing‘, and as an easy to read standalone story, which is available to buy on Amazon Kindle.

The Pilgrim‘, her second full length novel, was published by Instant Apostle on 22 July 2022

More information on Joy, and her books can be found here